Ikona człowieka wskazującego na tablicę. Na tablicy strzałka oznaczająca wzrost.

30 years of experience

Ikona mapy Polski z logo Jota i odchodzącymi od niego strzałkami.

Polish nationwide reach

Ikona uściśniętych dłoni.

Strong market position

Biuro Handlowe JOTA Sp. z o.o. is a company that has been operating continuously since 1989.

Our business successively covered more market segments. Those who trusted us are the armed forces, the police, the energy industry, production companies, mining companies as well as dozens of smaller factory units, service undertakings, gas stations and workshops.

Today, JOTA is a modern, high – powered company, dynamically operating across the country. At the headquarters located in Janikowo near Poznań and in our ten branches (Bydgoszcz, Gorzów, Kalisz, Konin, Leszno, Piła, Sieradz, Szczecin, Toruń, Pruszcz Gdański) 63 people found employment. We reach the entire northwestern Poland directly.

All along, the company has been associated with the international petrochemical concern. Resultantly, in the beginning of cooperation, we received the title of an authorised Shell distributor, to become now the strategic Shell distributor.